
Our ability to communicate effectively has never been as important as it is in the case of Roundup herbicide exposure. Listening to field workers speak about their family members suffering from the brutal effects of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was both unsettling and sad. We knew we needed to investigate, but we needed to win the hearts and minds of the farmers whose trust had been breached and who generally dislike lawyers.

  Our Roles

  • Digital Programming
  • Elite Customer Service
  • Digital Motion Production
  • Attorney Supervised Intake
  • Digital Community Building
  • Investigative Journalism
  • Web, Mobile, and News Development
  • Multi – Channel Content Development
  • Technology Operations for Seamless Communications
  •   Challenge

    For years farmers have been buying Roundup and GMO seed stocks from Monsanto and have become completely dependent on them to keep their farms running.

    Monsanto has done a masterful job at branding themselves as the “savior to starvation and without GMO’s our world would starve to death” mantra, so any threat against them is a threat to mankind.


    Most farm owners hire temporary workers for detasseling corn, and are generally in denial about Monsanto’s Roundup link to cancer. The farm owners are not always helpful when investigating a claim of this nature, so we had to go deeper into our

    investigation and talk with the family members who became care takers for their loved ones when they’ve been chronically exposed and now suffering from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. We needed to get our digital boots on the ground and get involved on a personal level.



    Once our intake staff began speaking with people suffering from Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, they were hooked. Field workers are the backbone of America and unfortunately being ignored and left to suffer alone. Our staff continually brought these stories to our weekly meetings asking our legal team to do something about it. Our mobile news network of investigative journalists started digging deeper and what we found was horrendous.

      Vision & Action

    Once we started accumulating content, we started to develop an audience and we relied on our initial group of claimants to direct us in the right direction. Together with our support group, we were able to build a group of 100,000 Americans and thousands of Canadians who believed to be chronically exposed to Roundup in a collaborated effort to help brainstorm ideas to prove their usage and exposure of Roundup.

    In addition, we have been communicating with thousands of people battling Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma that we have not yet signed up because we are in an investigation mode. We are currently looking to build a plaintiff network to help take on Monsanto and their cell killing Roundup.


    We are currently representing hundreds of claimants who are pursuing claims against Roundup for their failure to warn against the dangers of their poisonous chemical. We are working with firms such as Weitz & Luxenberg and other top tier firms on this highly controversial lawsuit, however, we are looking to add a couple more leading firms to our team for this litigation. Recently California has deemed Gyophosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, to be cancer causing and the World Health Organization stated that Gyophosate was probably cancer causing. This litigation will be heating up soon and we are able to quickly build a database of Non-Hodkins Lymphoma claimants who wish to pursue claims.


    Read about some of our higher profile Case Studies and learn how we use a granular approach to identify specific claimant needs.



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